It is heartbreaking to lose a loved one. But it is an outrage to lose a loved one due to another’s wrongful or negligent act.
Although a wrongful death leaves a family devastated, it shouldn’t leave them without recourse. Regardless of the circumstances—catastrophic accident, dangerous product or grossly negligent behavior—pursuit of wrongful death cases is the means by which a family may pick up the pieces after an inconceivable loss.
Because our firm is passionate about helping the victims of irresponsible behavior, we are especially attuned to the emotional needs of bereaved families. With thorough knowledge of wrongful death law, we guide families through the complicated legal process and keep them informed every step of the way.
We believe that helping victims claim their right to fair compensation for wrongful death is one of the most effective ways to hold negligent and irresponsible corporations and individuals accountable. As your wrongful death attorney we will fight to obtain justice for you. For more than 26 years, The Law Offices of John David Hart has helped families obtain compensation for their loved ones’ wrongful death.
If you have lost a loved one because of someone else’s negligence or wrongdoing, please contact our firm at 1-800-247-1623 or for a free consultation to discuss your legal rights.
Quick facts you should know about wrongful death
Wrongful death cases are tried in civil court. The standard of evidence is not reasonable doubt but a preponderance of evidence.
A person can be prosecuted criminally as well as in a civil wrongful death trial.
A wrongful death suit is the only way to hold a company as opposed to an individual accountable for damages.
These cases include deaths as a result of workplace injury, fires, pollution, negligence in a nursing home, and accidents in general. In any of these situations a consultation with a wrongful death lawyer may be appropriate.
The purpose of a suit in this situation is to obtain compensation for incurred expenses, loss of financial support (pecuniary loss), medical costs, funeral expenses and pain and suffering.
John David Hart is a top Texas wrongful death lawyer who can help you navigate the legal system and obtain the justice you deserve. He has been recognized as a Texas Super Lawyer by Thomson Reuters’ for 10 straight years. For a free case evaluation, please contact our law offices at 1-800-961-HART (4278).